Take your teaching to the next level with our collection of educational resources packed with everything you need to start or continue your Concept-Based Inquiry journey. 

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Professional Learning International hosts a FREE monthly Masterclass to help educators bring Concept-Based Inquiry alive in their classrooms and schools.
Watch our five most popular Masterclasses below.

Our 5 most popular Masterclasses


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Leading Change: Adopting and Implementing A School Wide CBI Approach

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Unlocking The Power Of Concept-Based Inquiry

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Our 5-Step Process for Curriculum Review

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Honoring Rigor in Science Through Concept-Based Inquiry

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Conceptual Arts Learning: A 3-Step Planning Process to Transform Skills into Understandings

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Understand the foundations of curriculum design

By Marschall and French

Your handbook to Concept-Based Inquiry


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Knowing facts is not enough. If we want students to develop intellectually, solve problems creatively, and grapple with complexity, the key is in conceptual understanding. The second edition of Concept-Based Curriculum and Instruction for the Thinking Classroom brings together the work of Dr. Lynn Erickson and Dr. Lois Lanning, providing a complete foundation for a Concept-Based approach to curriculum design.

By Erickson, Lanning, and French

Understand the phases of inquiry that empower students to see patterns and make connections, moving from the factual to the conceptual level of thinking to support transferable understanding. Concept-Based Inquiry in Action and its accompanying website are your new go-to instructional resources, packed with video clips of Concept-Based Inquiry classrooms in action, visual chapter notes, templates of graphic organizers, and more. 



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How to Bring Content and Process Together 

By Lanning and Brown

Designing Learning to Ignite Understanding and Transfer, Grades 4-10

Concept-Based Literacy Lessons

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Looking for that one transformative moment when a student’s eyes light up, signaling he or she has finally grasped that big idea behind critical academic content? Concept-based curriculum and instruction is a way to make those moments many. H. Lynn Erickson and Lois Lanning offer new insight on how to design and implement concept-based curriculum and instruction across all subjects and grade levels and why content and process are two equally important aspects of any effective concept-based curriculum.

By Erickson and Lanning

For literacy teachers looking for practical ways to implement a Curriculum and Instruction Model that’s more inquiry-driven and idea-centered, look no further than this book.
This resource helps bridge the divide between conceptual curriculum and actionable practice, and provides practical support for teachers implementing Concept-Based literacy lessons. 

Transitioning to Concept-Based Curriculum and Instruction




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In this series, we sit down with some of the most innovative minds in education to discuss new ideas, share best practices, and explore the latest trends and technologies.

Conversations with educational leaders in professional learning to spark curiosity.

With Rachel French and colleagues.


Read our blog for quick insights into revolutionizing your approach to teaching and transforming your classroom—all while commuting to work, eating your lunch, or sitting with your feet up at home. 

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Carol Ann Tomlinson, University of Virginia

“This book is smart, wise, and energizing. It honors the disciplines we teach by reminding us of inherent meaning. It honors teachers with the belief that they grow as human beings through understanding the power of what they teach. It honors students by expecting them to become thinkers capable of reasoned stewardship of the world they live in and will inherit.”

Joy Harrison, United States of America

"I have read your book Concept-Based Inquiry in Action and found it transformational. I teach in an IB PYP school in the US. We are beholden to rigorous specific content standards. This approach finally offered a roadmap to building units of inquiry that address those rigorous standards while honoring Concept-Based learning and the principles of IB."

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Still don’t get what Concept-Based Inquiry is?
Join our founder Rachel French for a free 40-minute masterclass to learn the biggest misconceptions about conceptual understanding—for any subject you teach.

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